It is at this time of the year that the local muntjac turn their
attentions to the flowerbeds and shrubby borders of the garden at work. Over
the years we have discovered which of the plants in our wildlife garden are on
the menu for these introduced deer and which are not. In part, selection
appears to be driven by the weather and feeding conditions elsewhere. When
times are tough, less favoured plants and shrubs may find themselves back on
the menu and over recent days the deer have been much in evidence.
The presence of muntjac can be seen in our woodlands as well. Crouch
down and look across the woodland floor and you’ll soon spot a clear browse
line, below which the deer have stripped back much of the vegetation. The
impact that such browsing has goes beyond the damage it does to the plants
themselves. The herb and shrub layers in woodland provide important habitat for
insects, cover for small mammals and nesting opportunities for birds like
blackcap, willow warbler and nightingale. Increasing deer numbers have been
shown to reduce the local populations of some of these species (e.g. the
nightingales in Bradfield Woods) but the effects are not always negative.
Browsing can, for example, sometimes open up more of the woodland floor, providing
habitat for butterflies whose foodplants, unpopular with the deer, get a chance
to increase in numbers now freed from competition.
Originally from south-east China and Taiwan, the muntjac was introduced
to Woburn Park in 1894, from where the species was then released into
neighbouring woods. Further releases, escapes and translocations have followed
and the species (more correctly called Reeves’ muntjac) is now well-established
across much of England, with a population thought to be in excess of 50,000
Unlike the roe, red and fallow deer that are also to be found in the
Brecks, the muntjac can be surprisingly tolerant of our presence. Those
individuals using the garden at work or the scrubby habitats that border the
river will tolerate a reasonable approach, particularly if you keep quiet and
still. Sometimes there may be three or four of these compact deer browsing on
the edge of the lawn and seemingly uninterested in the staff that traipse to
their cars parked nearby.