Writing in 1906, Ford Madox Hueffer described an English countryside
very different from what we see today. Through his book ‘The Heart of the
Country’, Hueffer explored the tensions that existed between town and country,
identifying how the different physicality of the countryside and the nature of
its human community served to alienate those whose origins were in the town.
Heuffer’s exploration of town and country, although very much shaped by
the ‘Fin de siècle’ literature that preceded him, in terms of style and
perspective, still has relevance today. In many ways the tension between town
and countryside still exists. Despite the move away from the land that came
with industrialisation and the increasing mobility of our population, there is
still a real division between the two. Many of the youngsters born to our inner
city estates will never experience the countryside from anything more than a
seat on a train or in a car. A sense of isolation can also be seen in some
rural communities.
Heuffer was writing at a time when great changes were happening within
the countryside and for England herself. Many of those living within the ‘dark,
toilsome town[s]’ had been brought up in the countryside but could only carry
the remembrance of it in their hearts. While the same is true today for some of
our urban dwellers, for many others the town is all that they have ever known.
One important consequence of being divorced from the countryside is that
people have a much-reduced sense of ownership over it. It is no longer the
place that provides the backdrop to their formative years or sustains them
through their working lives. It has less significance and its value is lessened
in our increasingly urban-focused gaze. And this is where the tension begins to
develop, as our towns are viewed in isolation from the countryside that
surrounds them. There is a real danger that the voice of the countryside is
being lost and this is something that needs to be addressed. It is not about
maintaining country traditions, though this is where the more vocal protests
are heard, it is about maintaining the link between town and country and
re-establishing the bonds that once existed.